exosome therapy

How PRP Therapy Amplifies the Natural Healing Process & Stem Cell

PRP (platelet rich plasma) therapy can help in injury recovery, hair loss, arthritis and joint pain. It’s a form of regenerative medicine that amplifies the body’s natural ability to heal itself. 

What is PRP therapy? 

PRP therapy focuses on injections of a patient’s own platelets, blood cells that cause blood cells and help bodily growth functions, to help heal musculoskeletal problems and injuries. A doctor will take some of a patient’s own blood and run it through a centrifuge to concentrate platelets, which are then injected into your problem tissue. These injections can help stimulate reparative cells to speed up your recovery. 

PRP Therapy for hair loss

PRP therapy is also great for hair loss and can help reverse the effects of premature hair loss. Plasma therapy for hair loss is a newer treatment in which doctors can micro-needle PRP into the scalp. The plasma injected will help stimulate growth stem cells that will assist with cell production, collagen growth and tissue repair. However, PRP cannot reverse hair loss, so it is not best to get PRP if you are completely bald. However, PRP is great at helping to increase the number of hairs on your head and is worth it if you are looking to thicken your hair. 

How long does Platelet rich plasma therapy last? 

When it comes to hair loss, platelet rich plasma therapy usually lasts four to six weeks; however, the actual length will vary by individual and the number of platelets in their plasma. PRP therapy for hair loss is not a permanent treatment but is an effective treatment for ongoing hair loss. 

When to get PRP therapy

PRP therapy is an excellent treatment option chronic pain or recurring soft-tissue injuries from sports. For example, PRP therapy can help in the following situations:

  • Torn tendons (Achilles issues) 
  • Tendinitis
  • Tennis elbow or golfer’s elbow 
  • Muscle injuries 
  • Arthritis pain
  • Joint injuries 
  • Hair loss 

PRP therapy also has fewer side effects compared to other procedures as the injections are made from the patients on blood. Thus, this treatment will also reduce the need of opioids as well as negative reactions. 

Who should not do Plasma therapy 

While PRP has it benefits, it is not the best option in every situation. You may want to consider other treatment options if you have:

  • Complete baldness
  • An infection
  • Certain skin diseases 
  • A metastatic disease 
  • Certain blood and bleeding disorders 

Side effects of PRP therapy include pain in the injured area, blood clots, skin discoloration, or negative reactions. Additionally, PRP injections on the scalp may cause some hair loss. 

If you’re considering PRP treatment in Staten Island, contact our office for more information. Dr. Maykel Desir, MD specializes in various regenerative medicine practices including PRP Injections, Stem Cell Therapy, Hyaluronate Injections, Bone Marrow Aspirate procedures and more, and can help advise you if Platelet Rich Plasma therapy is right for you.